How to take perfect wedding photos when you feel awkward in front of the camera.

We've all been there. It's your wedding day, and you're in front of the camera. Suddenly, you feel like you're on display and not yourself at all. You don't know how to pose, what to do with your hands or where to look. But we are here to help!

How to get rid of that awkward feeling.

The first step to overcoming your awkwardness is to acknowledge that it's okay. It's normal, and many other people have felt the same way before you. There are a lot of ways you can work through this feeling, from choosing poses that feel natural to you and getting to know your photographer so they can help guide you through the process with their expertise. This is why engagement photoshoots can be a valuable opportunity to work together before your big day. The important thing is not to panic or get stressed out about it. Just take a deep breath and have fun!

Choose a pose that feels natural to you.

If something doesn't feel right or natural, don't be afraid to say so! We want the best outcome possible for your images just as much as you do. If you're having trouble choosing a pose, let us know, and we would be happy to offer suggestions or provide you with fun activities to make things feel more natural.

It can be hard when all eyes are on you during this special time in life, but remember: everyone else is facing their own challenges too! They also may be feeling self-conscious because they're not used to being photographed so often either. So go ahead, take a deep breath and remember that everyone else is probably feeling just as awkward as you are.

Concentrate on the person you're posing with, not the camera.

Concentrate on the person you're posing with, not the camera. We are always close by and capturing all of the important moments, you just need to concentrate on having fun!

Unless we are doing your photoshoot, try to ignore us as much as you can. When we are capturing candid moments, it can look awkward when one person is staring directly at the camera.

If you're posing with someone else, look at them and smile or chat. That's it! Don't worry about what your face looks like or how they're posing, just focus on having fun! 

If you are posing with your partner, look at them and smile.  Take some time to remember why we are here, and just enjoy the moment.  

If you feel like it's not working out, let us know or try switching poses.

Remember that it's okay if it doesn't look perfect at first.

One of the most important things to remember is that you don't have to get it right on the first try. In fact, most people who are nervous in front of the camera feel much more comfortable after a bit of time passes. Everything is digital now, and we can retake images as many times as you need to feel happy and confident in your photos.

If something doesn't feel right during a photo shoot, let us know so we can fix it right away. Always remember that we get the best images when you are happy and having fun.  


Why Engagement Photoshoots Are Important.


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